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A Real Mom’s Guide to A Clean House

Do real moms really manage to clean baseboards and dust ceiling fans weekly? The answer is – come over to my house and see for yourself. Or no. The answer is no.

Recently, I had a repairman pull my oven out from my wall, and discovered a hidden treasure trove of dust balls, crusty hardened peas from the pea explosion of 2014, and a bracelet I bought for my daughter on a vacation to Yellowstone. I thought to myself, “Hey! That’s cleaner than my air vents in my floor where all kinds of mysteries lie.”

I’ve lived in my house three and a half years and I’ve never cleaned behind the oven. But, I’m not ashamed of my mediocrity anymore. I see those cute cleaning schedules to help you stay on top of your chores in 20 minutes a day or less, and I’ll raise you a caked on stovetop and a fridge with too many fingerprints for a crime scene unit.

Since I live in real reality, and not pinterest reality, I decided to create a cleaning guide all moms can get behind. For your convenience I’ve broken it up into a schedule that is manageable.

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